
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Different Ways to Control Alcohol Intake

Alcohol addiction is a condition where there is compulsive need for an intoxicating liquid that is obtained from fermented grain or fruit. A person is said to be addicted to alcohol if he experiences withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, or anxiety when alcohol consumption is stopped. Consuming alcohol can have certain short term and long term effects on the body. It also shows effects on
the family relations and also at the work place. So it is very important to stop consuming alcohol and here under are some tips to control alcohol intake:
  • First of all it is important to take a decision to quit drinking and stick to the decision and fix some date.
  • It is better to take some time to get rid of everything related to alcohol before the actual date.
  • Do some physical activities like walking, running, doing some easy stretches, or reading a book.
  • It is better to drink water or juices or tea and this is done to focus on something pleasant instead of drinking.
  • Think positively and don't get in to anxiety or depression, think that you have made a good decision.
  • Make creative changes in your life and try a new activity which has something fun to take your mind off from drinking.
  • Do not use minor problems as a reason for consuming alcohol and there should be no excuses when you have decided to quit drinking.
  • Use the money spent for purchasing alcohol for other purposes like to enjoy a night out for yourself, or with a friend.
  • Also think about the negative effects of the drinking on the health, family relations and on the job.
  • Look for the alternatives for alcohol which do not produce harmful effects on the health.

By following the above said suggestions, one can control alcohol intake.

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