
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Teen Drug Abuse and Its Effects on Society

Everyone of us know that teens are more attracted towards drugs and alcohol. They want to take drugs because of many reasons. Peer pressure, depression, and wish to experience the euphoric effects are some of the most common reasons for teens to get addicted to drugs. It is known that drug abusing teens suffer from many health effects which are both physical and mental. However, do you know that they even have an effect on society?

Drug abused persons are more aggressive and violent. They may be involved in many crime related activities. This may be a threat to residents and other neighborhoods. Many research studies have even reported that, teens who are between the age of 12 and 17, who report alcohol and illicit drug abuse are more violent than non-drug and non-alcoholic users.

Drug abused teens have their effects at schools and other social places. At schools, there are chances that the other students get influenced by drug abusing students. As said, they are more aggressive. So they may even fight with their friends and other staff of the educational institution and harm them.

Physical and mental coordination is impaired with use of illicit drugs. It therefore affects the quality or skills of driving. When teens are driving after taking drugs, they are more likely to face accidents. Many crashes and deaths have been occurring in the United States because of drugged driving by teens. Once, your teens are marked as drug users, the respect of your family is affected. The dignity and respect that your family has in the society is lost. So parents should make sure that they follow strict rules and regulations to avoid their kids from having drugs.

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