
Monday, September 17, 2007

The impact of smoking

Smoking has become one of the major causes for deaths of people. It is shocking to learn that
  • Cigarettes cause more deaths than cocaine, auto accidents, AIDS, alcohol, heroin, fire, suicide, and homicide combined.
  • Over 400,000 people lose their lives per year from smoking
  • The teenagers are the groups which are more addicted to nicotine than any other age groups. Of the many people who smoked, 60% were teenagers age 14, while 90% were teenagers age 19.
These facts are shocking and very awful that we have innocent children who smoke for an unknown reason.

I got this information from a health website, gives vital information about the impacts of smoking and reasons to stop it.

It is said that tobacco smoke contains over 4000 chemicals including acetone, ammonia, benzene, cadmium, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, lead, nicotine, tar, and shellac.

That means as we smoke, we intake all these chemicals into our lungs. Imagine once, how our lungs would be struggling and suffering in filtering these chemicals, while we ‘enjoy’ smoking.

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