
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Air Purifiers – Ideal to Remove Pet Allergens

Air purifiers are intended to maintain the good air quality indoors. Among various kinds of pollutants and contaminants, pet allergens are common that affect the indoor air. So, when having one or more pets in your home, consider installing an air purifier from avoiding the health issues linked with pets.

Pets often shed hair and fur which are the main allergy inducers. Kids and even adults are more sensitive to face allergy due to them. Pet allergens deposited on the membrane lines of your nose and eyes initiate swelling and itching of the membranes, inflamed eyes and stuffy nose. Particulate matter of pet allergens are very fine and enter into the lungs along with inhaled air and cause severe breathing problems like coughing, wheezing (a continuous and coarse, whistling sound which is produced in the respiratory airways during breathing), and shortness of breath. Some highly sensitive people also suffer from intense rash on the face, upper chest and neck. Even pet dander rises the chances of dust and other allergens. Irritating smell with the pet dander is often difficult to bear.

An air purifier helps in avoiding all these issues. The particulate matter from the pet hair can be trapped by HEPA air filters. Fine pet allergens, dust and other contaminants may often whirl around in your room if you use a forced convection heater. Therefore, avoid using forced heating systems and install an air purifier to trap them. HEPA filters can trap particles as small as 0.03 microns in size. Even the bad odors from pet and pet dander are removed by these purifiers. However, it is impossible to clear the pet hair that gets attached to various surfaces. Electrostatic air filters also remove some of the allergens. Better choose a right air purifier to get rid of the pet allergens to be safe and enjoy with your pets.

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