
Monday, June 6, 2011

Harmful Effects of Smoking on Your Skin

Smoking not only effects the vital organs present in the body like heart, lungs, liver etc. but it also shows many bad effects on the skin of the person who is addicted to smoking. In the initial stages one can't recognize the negative effects of the smoking on the skin, but it shows its effects in the later stages. It is better to stop smoking in the initial stages itself rather than struggling to cure the diseases caused by the smoking.

Following are the harmful effects of the smoking on the skin:

Blood Circulation:
Smoking reduces the oxygen levels in the blood and it also causes the blood circulation to slow down. This can lead to premature aging in the person who is smoking. Smoking also gives the skin a dull appearance.

Cigarette smoking can cause dehydration in the body, this is because the smoking decreases the water content in the body. The chemicals present in the cigarette smoke like arsenic and carbon monoxide are held responsible for dehydration. As these chemicals soak into the skin, the skin is deprived of oxygen, which results in dryness.

Skin Cancer:
Melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma can be induced by smoking. The National Center for Biotechnological Information had proved that people who smoke are more likely to die from skin cancers. Another institute, Massey Cancer Center of Virginia Commonwealth University, has also stated that, cancers affecting the mouth and lips are also more common in smokers when compared to nonsmokers.

Formation of wrinkles on the skin is the most common effect of smoking. Because of the smoking the elastin present in the skin breaks in to fragments, each time an individual smokes a cigarette. Smoking for extensive periods of time may induce lines generating from the corners of the eyes and lips.

There are some ways available for the individuals to repair the damaged caused by smoking, like maintaining perfect diet, purchasing anti aging skin care products and using skin supplements.

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