
Monday, January 4, 2010

Know the difference between Split and Window ACs

Air conditioners are becoming the necessity rather than luxury these days. As the technology is developing day by day, air conditioners are becoming cheaper and cheaper. Check their price twenty years back and compare with today’s price. I am sure there will be a lot of difference than what you have imagined.

Now a days every above middle class family and a reasonably big office is using air conditioners. If you are not among them and want to know some basic differences between the common types of air conditioners, read this to get some idea.

Plan well before you air-condition your home or office. Know about the electricity consumption and other maintenance costs involved. Check whether window type or split type air conditioning system is better for you.

The main difference between a window and a split type air-conditioner is the initial cost of equipment and installation. For a given capacity of the systems, the running cost is almost the same for both the types. Though a split type AC may consume a small amount of extra power as it has an extra motor. Also the efficiency of the both types is same.

The level of noise in a window air conditioner will be noticeable as it is fitted on the wall. Whereas the split AC will be silent as the noisy compressor is placed outdoors.

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