
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Traditional Filling Methods Giving Way to Ceramic Fillings

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In dentistry, ceramic fillings are a recent development in teeth restoration procedures. Ceramic fillings are made of ceramics, porcelain or other glass like fillings. They don't contain metal used in the restorations as in case of  traditional procedures. People who are more concerned about the teeth regarding exposure to toxins or conscious about environment can choose these type of fillings to their teeth. Ceramic fillings are mostly used in inlays, outlays, crowns, implants, veneers etc.

Differences between ceramic and conventional filling methods
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Traditional methods of fillings has some mercury in them which may act as a toxic material but this ceramic fillings don't contain even small amounts of mercury. This mercury may damage the nervous system and kidney if absorbed by or digested by the body and this metal fillings cause threat to the life of the people sometimes. Were as this ceramic fillings are far better and free of mercury.

Traditional methods require more tooth structured to be removed using the drilling procedure were as ceramic fillings require less drilling. Ceramic fillings gives aesthetic look to the patients teeth were as traditional methods make people to know that your teeth is having problems so that you are having fillings in your teeth. This makes you feel shy among the people and you can't really open your mouth to smile. This fillings will fill this gap. This fillings also have may advantages stated under.
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Benefits of ceramic fillings
  • Ceramic fillings appear in natural color and are pleasing.
  • This fillings are completely metal free which doesn't release any kind of toxins in to your teeth.
  • There is no problem of conductivity also with this ceramic fillings which can't lead to sensitivity problems in mouth.
  • They are resistant to corrosion and straining which is more with composite fillings.
  • You can get your fillings in just one visit to the dentist.
These are major benefits with ceramic fillings but there are also some drawbacks with this fillings which you can really ignore as it has aesthetic benefits. Few drawbacks that you can ignore are:
  • It is more expensive when compared to other fillings.
  • This fillings can break more as with other kind of fillings. The durability of this fillings is less and they need to be replaced once in at least 7-10 years. And in order to prevent it from breaking inlays and outlays should be large.
This is all about the ceramic fillings today and its advantages over the other traditional fillings.

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