
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Get to Know Scaling

Dental implants London
Scaling is one of the important procedures dentists undertake to make your teeth better. If you have accumulated too much of plaque on your teeth, you need to undergo this procedure by dentists. In this article we will discuss scaling - it's procedure, need and after-care.

What is scaling?
Scaling is a non-surgical process of removing plaque and calculus that cause oral health problems. Scaling involves scrapping the plaque and calculus using dental scaling instruments. This is commonly done to treat gum disease. Going to dentist every six months for scaling is a good practice to prevent gum disease.

Cosmetic dentist London
Need for Scaling
In the early stages of a gum disease, scaling is essential to avoid advancing of it and for making the treatment difficult. Dental plaque and calculus on the tooth increases chances of severe gum disease. This causes the necessity of scaling.

Increased formation of calculus and plaque create gaps between the teeth thus makes it difficult to clean. Scaling is one of the best procedures for treating periodontal disease (gum disease). If not treated early, it may lead to the need of surgical treatment.

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Scaling is usually done with the help of hand instrument known as dental scalers. It depends on the condition of the teeth as to what type of scalers are needed to clean the teeth.

Plaque and calculus that are present at the root of the teeth are removed by using ultrasonic scalers. These scalers have water irrigating system which cools the treated area while removing the debris.

Dental Implants London
Ultrasonic scalers vibrate during operation, and thus remove dental plaque and calculus. Then, the remaining calculus that is difficult to remove by ultrasonic scaler is scrapped away using hand scalers. Finally, polishing is done to smoothen the surface of the teeth.

Care after Scaling
As with other procedures, discomfort is felt during first few days. Following points can help you reduce pain.
  • Brush and floss gently to avoid pain as gums are tender and might be bleeding for the first few days after scaling.
  • Avoid eating too hot or too cold food as teeth are more sensitive for 2-3 days.
  • Make sure to undergo regular checkups to maintain good oral health.
  • Take soft diet such as curd rice, soups, etc. for first few days.
  • Change your toothbrush after your teeth are cleaned. Select one with soft bristles as teeth are more sensitive for 2-3 days.
  • Use warm salt water to rinse your mouth frequently.
  • Take medications as prescribed by the doctor.
Scaling helps you keep your dental cosmetic look in good condition. It is simple and inexpensive. Make sure to consult your dentist and to discuss with them the pros and cons of scaling.

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